Jon Hyman MD Jon Hyman MD
  • Stanford University
  • Stanford University

Your Surgery

Once the patient and the surgeon agree that surgery is the best treatment option, a lot of things go in to the patient's surgical experience, and ultimately the outcome. Over 30 people will play a part in your surgery.

The day after your surgery you can expect some numbness and swelling, which will fade in time.  Most patients do NOT drive AT LEAST until after their first postoperative visit (7-10 days after surgery).  And while most people are not totally disabled from working, they may be partially disabled - fit for 'light duty' - while they are healing.

Find out more about minimally invasive surgery procedures, flying or driving after surgery, or take our virtual tour of a sample surgery.

  • Tucker Office Location:1462 Montreal Rd WEST Suite 101,
    Tucker, GA 30084
    Phone: (770) 363-8770

  • Buckhead Office Location:3200 Downwood Circle, Suite 340
    Atlanta, GA 30327
    Phone: (770) 363-8770

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