Jon Hyman MD Jon Hyman MD
  • Stanford University
  • Stanford University

Global $5 Billion Orthopedic Surgical Robots

Global $5 Billion Orthopedic Surgical Robots

Surgeons who use robotic devices have better control over their instruments and an improved way of viewing the patient's surgical site. Robotic devices accounted for a market value of $222,000,000 among hip and knee surgeries globally, in 2015.  By 2022 they are projected to earn $5,000,000,000.  Robot assisted surgeries are the way of the future for some types of surgeries but there are also surgical procedures, like many of the ones we specialize in, where human technical intervention and surgeon decision making is essential during the procedure.



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    Tucker, GA 30084
    Phone: (770) 363-8770

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    Atlanta, GA 30327
    Phone: (770) 363-8770

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