Jon Hyman MD Jon Hyman MD
  • Stanford University
  • Stanford University

Flexion Therapeutics Announces FDA Approval of Zilretta™ (triamcinolone acetonide extended-release injectable suspension) for Osteoarthritis (OA) Knee Pain Nasdaq:FLXN

Flexion Therapeutics Announces FDA Approval of Zilretta™ (triamcinolone acetonide extended-release injectable suspension) for Osteoarthritis (OA) Knee Pain Nasdaq:FLXN

There is a newly FDA approved, non-opioid drug on the market for those who suffer with osteoarthritic knee pain. Researchers and scientists are hailing its arrival as a non-surgical advancement in the struggle to relieve a growing number of patients, both old and young, from the debilitating effects of chronic knee pain.  Successfully conducted studies confirm these findings, a boon to both patients and practitioners.  The drug, commercially known as ZILRETTA, will be marketed this Fall. Administered by injection this time-released medicine promises real relief for extended periods. 

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